Hazelden Foundation - Center City
Addiction Treatment Center

World renowned addiction treatment centers, publishing, education, and recovery support

Hazelden operates addiction treatment centers for alcohol and drug rehab, has an online bookstore for addiction recovery and inspirational products, offers a Graduate School of Addiction Studies, and publishes clinical and epidemiological research on the effectiveness of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Hazelden Foundation
15251 Pleasant Valley Rd
Center City MN 55012-0011
Tel: 800 257-7810; 651 213-4200

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment in Center City, Minn.

Situated on 500 private, peaceful and scenic acres of rural Minnesota countryside, Hazelden's Center City campus, located 50 miles north of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. is the largest facility in the Hazelden system. Each year more than 2,000 men and women begin their recovery journey here.

We offer real hope for lifelong recovery through our abstinence-based addiction treatment services:

* Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Evaluation Services
Free phone consultations, web-based screening tools, professional evaluations

* Adult Treatment Services
o Residential services for men
o Residential services for women
o Residential program for Health Care Professionals
o Outpatient

* Recovery Enhancement Programs
Providing education and support throughout recovery.
o MORE - Online continuing care offering 18 months of education, tools for change and personalized recovery coaching.
o Dan Anderson Renewal Center - Twelve Step recovery retreats
o The Lodge at Hazelden - For those struggling with their recovery from alcohol and drugs.

* Family Program
Helping families understand addiction, recovery and family dynamics.

* Mental Health Services
Professional services designed to meet the emotional and mental health needs of people recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.

* Teen Intervene
Provides education, support and guidance for teens and their parents.

Hazelden's Minnesota programs were awarded accreditation with full standards compliance by The Joint Commission on April 26, 2008.
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